Thursday, May 3, 2012


I go for minor surgery tomorrow. I can't eat past midnight tonight, so here it is 11:08 and I am stuffing my face. I was thinking about life and how it is messy. The other night, TJ made shrimp gumbo and I made some crunchy drop biscuits to go along. I felt so happy just being there and I looked around and everything in the house was a mess - unwashed dishes, stuff all over. And I thought, life is best when I am relaxed and I can just let things be messy. One thing I struggle with is trying to have everything so clean and tidy before we have anybody over. Really, I would rather have a messy house and enjoy my life and my family and friends visiting, than have a perfectly spotless place and just be all anxious and exhausted by the time people get to my place. Mind you, there is a difference between allowing things to be messy and being disgusting. Life is like that, too. I am back taking my classes (had a few weeks break). Tonight I was reading and writing about knowing that it is healthy to be less than perfect. It is healthy to strive, yes, but also to be content in the middle of the striving, too. Some things, I am powerless to change about myself. Other things, I can work on. Sorting out what is what takes a lifetime. And that is okay. That is good. Maybe I am being cryptic here...not that I'm trying to, it's just how it's coming out tonight. Let it be what it is.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Oregon Holiday

TJ and I spent last week in Oregon with our two sweet and beautiful friends A&R. The photos below are out of order, and it kind of reflects the nature of the trip for me. We experienced a lot, and I am still processing it all. Overall, it was inspiring, adventurous, good fun, challenging at times, and full.

Taking our van was quite the adventure. We knew when we bought our Westy that it was going to bring with it the potential of sitting by the side of the road....and lo and behold, we did experience that. I am thankful for easy going friends, silicone, and kind-hearted mechanics, despite my sometimes crazy anxiety. Seeing the Oregon coast ocean was so beautiful, and inspired me so much more to learn to surf someday....I plan to try paddle surfing (with B!) this year, so here's hoping!

Portland itself was great. It was boiling hot (to me), and felt like we drove into an instant, sultry summer. I was especially impressed by all the coffee, good food, and awesome tattoos I saw almost everyone sporting. Oh, and Powell's books....I loved Powell's books. PS...we got to watch Mad Men in a theatre!!

We spent our last night in a junk yard in Manzanita. It is a long story, which includes a cheese factory, an AA meeting, a tow truck, funk music, a small quiet library, good mexican food and an especially kind TJ and I fell in love with Manzanita. Overall, I am glad to be home and itching to make some new music...always a sign of a good holiday, right?

My photo
New resident of Vancouver, B.C. Student of counselling and art therapy. Collector of scrap paper. Writer of songs and other things. I sing a lot. Eater of lentils. Shopper of old, used things. Crafter. Beekeeper. Lover of life and of getting the most out of it. I love brooches, but hardly ever wear them. I have learned a lot from all of my grandparents.